assorted 2008 photos
Not really the year in review, but the best you'll get from this blog. Miscellaneous pictures from the year that (almost) was.
The Tour of Pennsylvania...shots from the front porch:
Also Tour of PA, but not from my porch:
What Shippensburg looks like the rest of the year:
Broken mountain bike crap:
Father's day present (yes, it's a wallet made from a bicycle tube...and it's awesome):
The three natural-born goats (before there were four) on a ride through campus...Marian's taking the picture from her trailer:
Assorted shots of me, with others, engaged in my third favorite pass home: the hospital:...camping:
...and with the new kid:
A shot of Mare and I with a lamb in the yard (yes, the lamb is wearing a pull-up):
The autumn rake-up (I'm not kneeling):
The lovely and ever-accommodating: